International Workshop: Overcoming A Bad Mood

Are you having a hard time getting your bearings in Germany? Are phases where you’re in a bad mood no stranger to you? Do you overthink things?

Learn how to break through negative patterns of thinking and how to defeat and prevent the blues.

Topics and methods

  • Information on depressive moods
  • Strategies against overthinking and for bettering your mood
  • Strategies for overcoming intercultural challenges in your studies


4 dates:
18.06., 25.06., 02.07. and 09.07.2024
tuesdays 14.00 pm - 16.15 pm


Hegelstraße 61, 55122 Mainz, 5th floor, Room 500


M.Sc.-Psych. Lara Görzen


Registration is no longer possible!

A short phone conversation will take place before the workshop begins in order to determine whether the course content is a good fit for you and participation is possible.

The workshop is held in English.